Covid-19 Angelic Message #5: Compassion

Compassion:  Understanding Another’s Pain

Bella, who is now age 6, was babysitting Nic, age 10, when he had surgery on his injured leg. She was only 6 months old.  She would stay there with him for hours, never judging, never needing attention herself, just being there for him.  Compassion at its finest!  The natural world is here to teach us so much about love of self and others.

The angelic realm wants us to know:

“During this extraordinarily difficult time, having compassion for others who do not voice your opinions or like your ideas, is of the utmost importance.  You ALL came from the same Source, regardless of religion, race or creed.  That Source has birthed you with a spark of light creation, allowing you to create your lives in whatever way you so desire.
You are the Master of Your Universe – living such will offer you great personal freedom, never dependent on what others may think.  Live in love!”


Sue’s Angelic Wisdom comes from 3 near-death experiences where the angelic realm spoke to her and offered her the opportunity to share their wisdom.  I hope you enjoy this extraordinary guidance during these extraordinary times.

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